
In addition to the already built in types, such as Map and Function, you can also define your own types. This is done with the class-keyword.

// Create a new class called "Wizard"
class Wizard {}

Class properties

class Wizard {
	// Create the property "name" of type "String"
	name : String

	// You can also use the assignment operator (:=) to set a default value
	// In this case the type will automatically be set to "Bool"
	killed_voldemort := false

	// When the value is a function ("fn"), it will be treated as a method
	talk := fn() {

		// You can use the values from within the same class Instance with the keyword "self" (see more below)
		IO::Println("My name is ",

Instance of a class

To be able to use the class as a value, you need to create a class-instance with the keyword new.

// A new "Wizard" is created and assigned to "ron"
ron := new Wizard()
// Update the wizards name := "Ron"

// A call to the method

This code together with the class definition above will print

My name is Ron

Multiple instances

You can have multiple instances of the same class if you want, and each class will get it’s own copy of all methods and values

ron := new Wizard()
harry := new Wizard() := "Ron" := "Harry"

The result would be:

My name is Ron
My name is Harry